adj.— «Williams is shell-mouthed on the whole affair, declining to comment for the record.» —by Charles P. Pierce Sports Guy Dec. 26, 2000. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
adj.— «Williams is shell-mouthed on the whole affair, declining to comment for the record.» —by Charles P. Pierce Sports Guy Dec. 26, 2000. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
Perfect sentences and slang that tickles your mind! A new book of writing advice says a good sentence “imposes a logic on the world’s weirdness” and pares away options for meaning, word by word. • Your musician friend may refer to...
Sometimes it’s a challenge to give a book a chance: How many pages should you read before deciding it’s not worth your time? There’s a new formula to help with that decision — and it’s all based on your age. • Have you ever...