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 n.— «Newspapers have coined the term “wild lustration” to describe the storm of new charges. The term, derived from the Latin for “purification,” was coined in the early 1990s to describe the vetting of public figures for ties with the old regime. But now it’s back. And what makes this lustration so wild is the indiscriminate way in which so many of the names are coming to light, often through leaks to the press or on the Internet, with no supporting evidence.» —“The Reckoning” by Andrew Purvis in Warsaw, Poland Time Europe Apr. 4, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Hit ’Em With the Cardboard Oh-Ah and Dah-Dah

The cardboard cylinder left after the last sheet of toilet, tissue, or wrapping paper comes off the roll has inspired families to make up a lot of names for the tube or the sounds you can make with it. These include oh-ah, oh-ah, drit-drit, dah-dah...