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Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! It's another newsletter from "A Way with Words"!
"Moded, corroded, your booty exploded"--that's what we talked about this past weekend on the program. "Moded" is a bit of Californian slang that you don't much hear elsewhere in the country. We also talked about the Irish "banjaxed," family miscommunication, the correct pronunciation of "llama," "kiping," the difference between "envy" and "jealousy," and more. Listen:
Chickens may be the English language's best friend! Okay, that's overstating the case, but a number of fowl words have taken up roost in our lexicon. Martha treats us to just a few of them:
"Who among us has not come back from some foreign trip intent on saying 'yama' for llama, or 'Nee-kar-agggh-wa' for Nicaragua, or 'Mong-rrrhay-al' for Montreal? (I confess to a dangerous flirtation with 'Budapesht' myself.) And who among us was not then kindly mocked by our friends, who pointed out jeeringly (but caringly) that such words were pronounced differently in English, and, since English was the language we had chosen to speak, could we not just speak it properly? Or were we planning on spending the rest of our lives saying 'Paree' for Paris?"
Some language-y stories we liked:
Does a raided religious sect live on a "ranch" or in a "compound"?
Thank you!
Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett
Co-hosts of A Way with Words
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Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
1 Guest(s)