Discussion Forum (Archived)
Public radio is talking about terrorist attacks in pahl-meer-a, and I've always heard the NY state city as pawl-my-ruh. The Random House dictionary says pal-mahy-ruh, and the Co;;ins (UK) dictionary says pæl?ma?r?, but dictionaries applying the same pronunciation for both. DO that have different pronunciations, and which one(s) are right?
FWIW, the consensus seems to be PAUL-MY'-RAH. See: http://forvo.com/word/palmyra/
This computer apparently prefers PAUL-ME'-RAH:
But seriously folk, if you really want to know, ask a Palmyran: http://www.palmyrany.com/faq.htm
It's a proper noun, most likely with historical roots, so typical pronunciation "rules" can't really apply. My 2¢ anyway.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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