Discussion Forum (Archived)
While waiting for a funeral to proceed, I raised the topic with friends that I heard on your show: find a word to identify the children who receive the care of a babysitter. My friends responded with another relationship that needs a word: the relationship between in-laws such as between my parents and my wife's parents. We were unable to recall a word that represents the relationship or that may be used by one set of in-laws to identify the other.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, Yiddish does, but does English?
There aren't too many languages that have a word for “sibling” in the sense of a relative sharing the same parents as someone. English is one of the few.
There may be an old term from Middle English or something that expresses the relation(ship) between (and among) in-laws. But I guess it depends on the point of view of the relation; e.g., a man's Mother calls his wife's mother a “sister-in-law”. Other than the suffix “-in-law” and just the word “in-laws”, I don't know. Anybody?…
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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