Discussion Forum (Archived)
Below is the email I sent to Martha and Grant.
Hello dear Martha and Grant,
My question is not about the meaning or the correct pronunciation of a word. It is about the words of a sentence that I have never been able to catch fully. The sentence is in the speech of a man with a southern accent.
By clinking on the link above, you can reach the podcast in which the guy reads the letter containing the sentence I cannot understand properly. Well, I asked three native speakers of English about it and they all gave me the same answer. But I am still not 100% sure or convinced. I think the guy is uttering something else than what the native speakers say he says.
So I'm looking forward to getting your respond. What do you both think the man says in his first full sentence which begins with "My family..." .
Hi, this is Joseph Koury. Tonight's topic "Baby Love". My family.... (?)
Yours truly,
Serkan from Turkey
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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