Whether you’re a native speaker or a learner of English, we can learn from each other!

A Way with Words broadcasts at many different times, so we do what is known as a “call-out show.” When you contact us or leave a voicemail, we read and listen to everything, and then arrange a later time to record selected callers. This gives everyone everywhere an equal chance of getting on the air, including podcast listeners.
We consider all of the many calls and messages, and what we don’t put on the air, we save to help plan episodes and shape the program.
To get your language question, thoughts, or story on the air use the contact form lower on the page or:
- In the United States 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦, call or send a text to +1 877 929-9673 toll-free 24/7.
- From anywhere, call or send a text +1 619 800 4443.
- Send a voice note or email message to words@waywordradio.org
- Send a voice note or chat message via WhatsApp 16198004443
Follow the show and join its community
By the way, there’s a good chance we’ve already talked about your topic on the show. Search our site before sending in a question.
You can also contact us using this web form:
How getting on the show works
The show airs at many different times around the United States, so when you call you will hear a voicemail greeting, and then the system will record your message. We do it this way to give everyone everywhere an equal chance of getting on the show.
Be sure to give your full name, phone number, and location. Be as detailed as possible. If you’re asking about a word or phrase, repeat it a couple of times!
Later, we’ll listen to and read all messages, and then a producer will call you back if we’d like to get you on the show.
We may use your recorded message on the air or on this website, but we’ll always remove your contact information. (See our privacy policy.)
We get many thousands of calls, emails, and messages a year, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out every time you think of a question. You may become one of the chosen!
Even if you don’t hear back from us right away, know that we are listening to and reading everything you send. Your thoughts, opinions, and stories are all used to help plan our shows, our seasons, and to shape the whole program itself.
What kinds of calls?
Ask a question or tell us a tale that has anything to do with language!
- Relate something a child said or something your grandparents said.
- Express curiosity about word histories and English’s origins.
- Tell us about speaking a new language, speaking a dead language, learning to speak for the first time — or learning to speak again after an injury.
- Debates about usage at home or at work.
- Something you saw, watched, heard, or read that was unfamiliar.
- New words you want, new words you’ve made.
- Getting a handle on a language change that seems to be happening.
- A funny misunderstanding, a serious misunderstanding, a surprising misunderstanding.
- Writing, speaking, reading, books, literature, literacy, style, usage, slang, dialects, pronunciation, wordplay, dictionaries, old sayings, linguistics, sociolinguistics, colloquialisms, idioms, English as a second language, grammar, syntax, semantics, jargon, argot, archaisms, etiquette, catchphrases, handwriting, misspeaking, word puzzles, disputes, theories, debates, and more.
Browse recent episodes to get an idea, or better yet, just ask the question and see what happens!
Contact the hosts
Martha and Grant are available to answer queries from national and local media and would be happy to talk with you about appearing as a guest on your program or speaking at your organization’s next event anywhere in North America.
Listener communication is best made using one of the methods above. Visit our speaking events page for booking information and details or call (619) 567-9673.
Martha Barnette, co-host, co-producer, martha@waywordradio.org. Call (619) 796-5455. Visit Martha’s website. See Martha’s bio. Follow her on Threads and Instagram.
Grant Barrett, co-host, co-producer, grant@waywordradio.org. Call (646) 286-2260. Visit Grant’s website. See Grant’s bio. Follow him on Threads, Mastodon and Instagram.
Business contacts
All matters related to back-office business, sponsorships, donations, vendors, books, public relations, events, speaking engagements, or anything else should be directed to the email address biz@waywordradio.org or call the business phone (not for language questions; use the toll-free number above): (619) 567-9673.
Main Address: inquiries, correspondence, donations, etc. | Shipping Address: packages, books, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. Be sure to include the suite number after the #! | |
Wayword, Inc. | Wayword, Inc. | |
P.O. Box 632721 | 3911 Cleveland Avenue, #632721 | |
San Diego, CA 92163 | San Diego, CA 92163 |