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News, updates, behind the scenes details, and more from A Way with Words.

New Season Starts November 24th

Power up the vacuum tubes and charge up your iPod! Just in time for the holiday season, we’re happy to announce that the first of our brand-new shows of the new season will air the weekend of Saturday, November 24th, and Sunday, November 25th.

Transmitting live through hellfires

I’d like to give a shout-out and big ups to our friends and colleagues at KPBS in San Diego, who are still dealing with the raging fires there. So far it seems everyone is safe, but I haven’t heard yet about homes and pets. Bravo to...

Play the Slang Quiz on the Air

We’re on the hunt for contestants for our “Slang This!” quiz. We’ll find out on the air what you know about a couple of juicy slang terms. If you want to play, all you need to do is send us your full name, location, a daytime...

We’re Alive! Deal Inked to Keep AWWW on the Air!

We’ve been a little quiet because we didn’t want to start making the fire before the logs were stacked, but the news can now be told: A Way with Words is alive! That’s right: the show will continue, new episodes are already in...

We’ve got plans! Stay tuned.

Don’t go anywhere! We’re working hard to make sure the show goes on. Sign up for the email list to make sure you get our news when we have it.
UPDATE (9/28/07): The show stays! A deal is struck that will keep it on the air.

The New A Way with Words

Hey, all, it’s Martha and Grant, hosts of the public radio show A Way with Words. We have sooper sekrit plans! Find out more about what’s happening with the radio show by joining the AWWW email list. It’s an announcement list, so...

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