Robin, in Jacksonville, Florida, has long wondered why the traditional collar word by equestrians is called a ratcatcher. There’s a long history in the horse world of referring to various forms of attire as a ratcatcher, including blouses and...
Praisesong for the Kitchen Ghosts: Stories and Recipes from Five Generations of Black Country Cooks (Bookshop|Amazon) is about the foodways and folkways passed down through five generations of a Black Appalachian family. The book, by novelist and...
When a musician is woodshedding a passage of music, they’re trying to master that part by repeatedly practicing it in private, as if having retreated to do so in a woodshed, away from others who might be bothered by it. This is part of a...
After misunderstanding the term tummy ache as tummy egg, a three-year-old has questions. This is part of a complete episode.
If someone tells you they want you to get your bib and tucker on, they’re telling you to get dressed up in your Sunday best, tucker being a bit of lace formerly worn at the neckline and bib being a shirtfront. This is part of a complete...
There are lots of colloquial phrases to explain away the cacophony of a thunderstorm: The potato wagons are rolling, The tater wagon’s going over the bridge, The potato wagon broke down, and God is dumping out potatoes and washing them off. In...