n.— «The moment our pedicabs—cyclos, as they are called—pulled up out front, we were surrounded by waiters.» —“Past Lingers In Changing Vietnam” by Amanda Hesser in Vietnam New York Times Aug. 28, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
n.— «The moment our pedicabs—cyclos, as they are called—pulled up out front, we were surrounded by waiters.» —“Past Lingers In Changing Vietnam” by Amanda Hesser in Vietnam New York Times Aug. 28, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
Sigrin writes from Albany, New York, that she misheard our earlier conversation about the expression shaving yak hair meaning “performing a monotonous, tedious task.” At first she thought we said shaving gnat hair, which she figures is...