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drunkorexia  n.— «Drunkorexia is a made-up term reflecting an alarmingly real trend among young women. The non-medical, slang term refers to women who choose to eat less so they can party hearty without gaining weight.» —“Drunkorexia:...


go-see  n.— «Once a girl is signed with a big agency (in New York, where the biggest are located, this would include IMG, Elite, Next, Women and DNA), she is sent on what is called “go-sees”—castings for photographers, editorials and...


tail-dragger  n.— «They began amassing more planes, paying special attention to the more versatile models that have a third wheel in back as opposed to the front—”tail-draggers,” as they call them.» —“Flying while female:...

ride or die chick

ride or die chick  n.— «It’s the whole Bonnie and Clyde phenomenon turned into modern-day dating. And the streets have a name for the girls who can handle such an extreme form of love. They are “ride or die chicks.” “It’s...

woman of pallor

woman of pallor  n.— «I saw a bevy with a sign that said, “Women of Color,” another bevy with a sign that said, “Woman of Pallor.”» —“Too many axes to grind” by Joanna McClelland Glass Globe and...


tokophobia  n.— «Women, obstetricians suggest, are afraid of labor. Block reports that there’s even a new word for it: tokophobia, the fear of giving birth.» —“The Obstetric-Industrial Complex” by Noah...