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smoke  n.— «I think Tree means to tune the gamma match with the variable capacitor for best transmitter output, or “maximum smoke,” as it is sometimes called.» —“The K7RA Solar Update” by Tad...

poop pill

poop pill  n.— «Core temperature is measured by ingesting a pill the size of a multi-vitamin that contains a sensor and a radio transmitter. It sends body temperatures to a receiver every 15 seconds. The pill is digestable, so it’s...

Transmitting live through hellfires

I’d like to give a shout-out and big ups to our friends and colleagues at KPBS in San Diego, who are still dealing with the raging fires there. So far it seems everyone is safe, but I haven’t heard yet about homes and pets. Bravo to...

elephant cage

elephant cage  n.— «The AN/FLR-9 Countermeasures Receiving System, an excellent example of a Wullenweber DF array. This array, commonly called an “Elephant Cage,” is 900 feet in diameter.» —by Joseph D. Moell, Thomas N...

radio fox hunt

radio fox hunt  n.— «This was a radio fox hunt, an event put on by the South East Metro Amateur Radio Club. Radio fox hunting—also known as transmitter hunting, T-hunting, bunny hunting or amateur radio direction finding—is a competition...


hooked  adj.— «A small fraction of the convicts who leave Illinois‘ prisons each year are “hooked,” as it goes in prison parlance. That is, they are hooked up to a home-monitoring device—those bands of rubber equipped...

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