flocking n.— «Many Holga owners overcome this by taping up the gaps, or even spraypainting the camera’s shiny interior matt black to minimise internal reflection—a process called “flocking.” Others incorporate the light...
kinesio taping n.— «The taping is a new-age injury prevention method known as kinesio taping. It originates from Japan and has become popular in the past 20 years, particularly in America. The idea is to tape around a muscle to prevent...
grow teeth v. phr.— «If the law grows teeth, either by the power of taxation or by outlawing home taping, it could curtail the sale and import of cassette recorders and parts for their repair, thus bringing this rapidly growing field to a...
place shifting n.— «“Place Shifting” is the most common reason for album taping; home tapers usually tape their own records or CDs so that they can play them in their cars, Walkmans, or cassette players.» —“DAT and SCMS, some...
sheetrockero n.— «Everyone has a place in the Colorado job market, he explains. Men from Chihuahua have a reputation as good construction workers: they do sheetrock installation, taping and house framing. Sheetrock layers are known by a...