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Episode 1618

Spinning Cookies

A book of photographs and essays by famous writers celebrates libraries — and the librarians who changed their lives. Plus cutting doughnuts, spinning cookies, and pulling brodies: There are lots of ways to talk about spinning a car in circles on...

Kooshdakhaa: The Land Otter Man

In the Tlingit & Haida cultures, there are many stories involving the kushtaka (also spelled kooshdakhaa, kushtahkah, and kooshdaa kaa, and stressed on the final syllable), a being associated with the land otter. The name shows up in several...

Blessing Way

Blessing Way  n.— «The Blessing Way has been adapted as an alternative baby shower for spiritual moms in recent years. This is much less commercial and much more personal, intimate way to honor the blessed event of a birth. During Blessing...

social cleansing

social cleansing  n.— «Noam Chomsky argues that “Mumia’s case is symbolic of something much broader…The US prison system is simply class and race war…Mumia and other prisoners are the kind of people that get...


pixieing  v.— «“Pixieing” is a slang term for the act of damaging or sabotaging machinery, usually carried out in a covert way. This tactic differs from some symbolic actions carried out by peace groups, where protestors damage...

budget dust

budget dust  n.— «Some of the items certainly appear to be extravagant in light of the fact that the agency has consistently run a deficit. And although the relatively small amount may, in the grand scheme of things, be no more than what...

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