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snorkel box

snorkel box n. a roadside mailbox with a projecting slot reachable from within an automobile. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


shock  n.— «Remove debris from swimming pools, then add a chlorinator, either the 10 percent sodium hypochlorite solution sold in the familiar yellow jugs or the 65 percent calcium hypochlorite granules, commonly known as shock...

chase the red line

chase the red line  v. phr.— «In swimming parlance, chasing the red line means going for a world record.» —“Phelps, team earn gold, U.S. record in 800 relay” by Kevin Van Valkenburg Baltimore Sun (Md.) July...


stink-eye  n.— «There had been a family of seven or eight dolpins cruising up and down the local beaches.…I paddled towards them (nothing violent or sudden, just an easy paddle out towards ‘em).…he Lead Dude (Bull?)...

dog bowl

dog bowl  n.— «First and foremost came the invention of wheels manufactured from urethane—”They’re made from oil!”—with the capacity to grip surfaces, allowing these kids to experiment with weaving in and out of traffic...

duck itch

duck itch  n.— «Also known as, “swimmer’s itch,” “clam digger’s itch,” and “rice paddy itch,” this seems to be a bane of bathers on every continent. Duck itch is an intensely itchy, red, pinpoint rash...