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short-and-distort  n.— «Investigators have requested emails and text messages from fund managers, looking, Hagstrom said, for evidence of irresponsible rumour-mongering—a practice known as short-and-distort, in which short sellers borrow...

nightstand Buddhist

nightstand Buddhist  n.— «One in four Americans ages 18 to 29 say they are not affiliated with a religion, according to the survey. Many in this age group—whom Smith teaches at Ripon College—he refers to as “nightstand Buddhists...

fat tail

fat tail  n.— «Finance is about numbers, and some numerical analysis will always be needed to see trends and plan investment strategies. But there are limits to numerical jugglery, and this is the underlying message of the current round of...

black swan

black swan  n.— Note: Probably related to the theories of philosopher Karl Popper. «Finance is about numbers, and some numerical analysis will always be needed to see trends and plan investment strategies. But there are limits to numerical...

absence labeling

absence labeling  n.— «Critics of the rule argue what is known as “absence labeling’” has worked great for more than a decade. When a producer states something is rbST-free, they are absence labeling. Monsanto believes absence...

march out of one’s feet

march out of one’s feet  v. phr.— «We received a cell phone photo message from Duncan. It was a picture of his feet. Silver dollar sized blisters had formed and torn away all over both feet. Blood had soaked his socks and boots. He had, in...