Katrina cottage n.— «The Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved more than $74 million for a state plan to build more than 400 alternative housing units, often known as Katrina cottages, for south Louisiana hurricane victims...
valley of death n.— «Several speakers referred to the difficulty in getting an innovation from the idea stage to the commercial stage, a gap referred to as the “valley of death.” Andrew Dearing, secretary general of the European...
bird and breakfast n.— «An owner may use land for purposes that are secondary to the primary use—wildlife management—if the secondary use is compatible with the primary use. For example, an owner may engage in wildlife management and also...
paraplanner n.— «Under the Australian model the financial planner still meets with the client and assesses their needs, but the actual plan is produced by the paraplanner in the back-office.» —“Paraplanners bolster advice...
red face clause n.— «The terms of the irrevocable undertakings indicate they are not set in concrete. One of them could be broken by a competing bid just 5% higher than Implats’ 55p offer through the provisions of what is known as a...
clickprint n.— «Almost certainly—and if you’re wondering what a clickprint is, it is “a unique pattern of web surfing behavior based on actions such as the number of pages viewed per session, the number of minutes spent on...