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black bamboo

black bamboo  n.— «The lure of the “black bamboo,” a cheeky phrase which can’t be further explained in a family newspaper, has become a big draw for British women seeking more than just a tan in this popular tourist resort...


ruppie  n.— «He will consult with cities and developers on making downtowns more residentially friendly. He also will host a series of parties around the country to promote the “ruppie” lifestyle this fall, in conjunction with...


move-in  n.— «It’s a refrain natives and newcomers—”move-ins” in county parlance—sing in different ways as they push the new economy, build businesses, dream of manufacturing centers that will allow the kids who grow up here to...

smokestack chasing

smokestack chasing  n.— «That has forced state and local governments around the country to use tax and other incentives to lure blue collar positions to their districts, a practice called smokestack chasing.» —“How Did Georgia Lure...

9/11 generation

9/11 generation  n.— «The lure of joining a volunteer fire department can be considerable for undergraduates, who as part of the 9/11 generation tend to hold firefighters in particularly high esteem.» —“Students Who Rush to Class...

canary glass

canary glass  n.— «Vaseline glass wasn’t termed as such until 1950 when it had already become a collectible. Prior to that, it was called canary glass or uranium glass, but collectors didn’t think these terms correctly identified it. It...