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urst  n.— «Most TV shows, after all, try to string out the sexual tension as long as possible. There’s even a term for this, “urst,” as in lust plus unfulfilled urges.» —“Anatomy of a TV sensation” by Virginia...

diesel therapy

diesel therapy  n.— «Jimmy Magner, a former federal prisoner and founder of the newsletter PWA-RAG (Prisoners with AIDS-Rights Action Group), endured years of diesel therapy, the practice of moving prisoner organizers from one to prison...


scrip  n.— «Scrip Advantage purchases gift cards and certificates, commonly referred to as “Scrip,” at a discount to their face value and sells the gift cards to non-profit organizations.» —“Utix Group & Scrip...

adrenaline drink

adrenaline drink  n.— «John T. Cahill, Pepsi Bottling’s chairman and chief executive, was practically giddy about the company’s adrenaline drinks, as they’re called, including the SoBe line of beverage.» —“Pepsi Bottling Group profits...


isht  n.— «While waiting for PR & CL they shot the isht around freestyle like behind the curtain.» —“Biz, the Roots, O.C., and Group Home” by Brian Kirk Chambers Usenet: alt.rap Mar. 21, 1995. (source: Double...