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litter gitter

litter gitter  n.— «A grant from Heiner’s Bakery and matching grant from the city pays for pickup sticks, affectionately called, litter gitters.» —“Neighborhood Cleanup A Group Effort in Huntington” by Gina Long in...

tail cost

tail cost  n.— «That was not counting so-called tail costs, such as caring for veterans and replacing lost equipment, which the Iraq Study Group said “will run into the hundreds of billions of dollars.”» —“The Iraq war has...

death blossom

death blossom  n.— «The Group’s training includes weapons discipline, as the Iraqis are known for firing their weapons liberally when attacked. The Iraqis typically fire their weapons in all direction, in what is known as the “death...

self-licking ice-cream cone

self-licking ice-cream cone  n.— «However disappointing Colin Powell’s knee-jerk saluting of the commander-in-chief, at least Powell had been around and knew something of the world. (Rumsfeld, of course, is good riddance.) But what you now...