In 1975, Annie Dillard won the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-fiction for her book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Amazon|Bookshop). A few years later, she wrote an essay in The New York Times with advice for writers and artists, calling on them to observe...
Goverment Motors n.— «Now, “we the people” are on the hook and are the official owners of over 60% of General Motors. Or as it is called today; “Government Motors.”» —“The GM Bankruptcy: Only The Tip Of A Very...
retronovation n.— «Retronovation n. The conscious process of mining the past to produce methods, ideas, or products which seem novel to the modern mind. Some recent examples include Pepsi Throwback’s use of real sugar, Pepsi...
marble fever n.— «But for all the learning there is to do on Smith Hill, presumed Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed cautioned the newcomers to avoid so-called “marble fever”—a term for legislators “who get up here and forget about the...
Romanette n.— Note: A thorough discussion of this word can be found at the Volokh Conspiracy blog. «One bright spot in the colloquy came during Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky’s defense of an expansive view of the...
clean scanning n.— «Over the last year, a joint investigation of emissions inspection stations by the Attorney General’s Office and MassDEP, in coordination with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, found these stations were issuing...