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 n.— «Kahuna Falls were a major KLPD!» —“The Big Island, Hawaii” by Amit Goel Amit Goel (India) Dec., 2000. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


huck  v.— «Her descent of 78-foot Sahalie Falls in Oregon was a world record until waterfall hucking came into vogue in the months following her run.» —by Tyler Williams Whitewater Classics May, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued...


fumblerooski  n.— «The play is called the “fumblerooski.” Steinkuhler picked up a deliberate fumble by Gill and ran around left end for the score that made it 17-7 with a minute still to play in the first quarter...


caging  n.— «The contribution checks went to a Viguerie “caging function” here for processing. Peck protested, charging that Dornan’s campaign was “run out of Falls Church.” Recognizing that “Peck’s got a...


spizerinctum  n.— «“I think the country is entitled to know he is young, vigorous, and full of spizerinctum.” [Sen. Alexander Wiley (R) Wis.] said spizerinctum was a word coined by an old banker in his town of Chippewa Falls, Wis...