Discussion Forum (Archived)
Is there a term for a word where the definition changes with the meaning?
One example would be minnow. Gillian was shipwrecked when sailing on the Minnow, pronounced min-no. If you are baiting a hook,it's min-knee.
Another example would be suite. If you are talking about bedroom furniture, it's a "soot". If it's dandy accommodations at the resort, you rent a "sweet".
Words can have the same or different spelling, same or different meaning, same or different pronunciation, and same or different derivation. You're looking for words with the same spelling, different meaning and different pronunciation, and presumably don't care about the derivation.
The name for that combination is homograph. Same pronunciation is homophone, and same meaning is homonym.
English is stuffed full of homographs. You can't go through a day without uttering dozens. Homographs don't need to be pronounced differently. When they are they can be called heteronyms or heterophones.
Yesterday I read a novel.
Tomorrow I will read a play.
The trainer started to lead the team by saying "Get the lead out."
They will record the presentation.
She was speaking off the record.
How could you live without ever watching Saturday Night Live?
She will present the birthday present after dinner.
They explored many deserts, but this time they got their just deserts.
On the ninth hole I sneezed while he was putting.
We were putting ice on the spot where he had punched me.
The list goes on and on.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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