Discussion Forum (Archived)
Grant and Martha should have been more specific in their recommendations. Anyone interested in the topic should definitely check out this video. I especially love the obvious differences between UK and US English.
The musical equivalent, a speaker of Italian singing nonsense that sounds like English to him, is the song Prisencolinensinainciusol. The actual song begins at about 1:40 into the clip.
And how to sound like a global citizen? It works out nicely if you curb articles and prepositions, refrain from using the verb 'be,' add 'to' after auxiliary verb, say 'long tung' and 'no?' a lot-
You stay US how long tung? I come US thirty five year, US peepol very nice, no? You come to house, I can to teach Ingalish very wud, no?
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
1 Guest(s)