Discussion Forum (Archived)
My latest column in the Malaysian Star has appeared: Sprogs in a Poop Factory. It’s about the slang names we give children.
I loved that piece, too. Hadn’t heard “porch monkeys.” Nice.
Speaking of Poop Factories, I was delighted to see that the Atlanta Journal-Constitution chose for its book title of the year (even though the book’s out of print): “Cooking with Pooh.”
As a member of the greater “childfree” community (of those who, for an absurdly wide variety of reasons, prefer not to have/bear/raise/be-near children), I can tell you there are quite a number of terms, a few of which refer to children — many of which come from the more aggressive, offensive (or deeply offended), overtly anti-children clusters (whereas I’m okay with others having them, just prefer other activities).
EDIT: might help if I actually read the OP article first =P
“Crotchfruit” comes to mind and is my favorite (though haven’t dared use it much in public, though I find it strikingly funny).. Boob-munchers, snot miners, yard apes, rug rats, nose miners, linoleum lizards, pablum pukers, droolmeisters, crotchcricket, crotchfruit, crumbgrinder, crumbmuncher, and several others from the Childfree Wiki entry on slang.
There are several other colloquial gems used within the bunch, such as a “Bingo” (the person who, upon discovering your position, asks to the effect of, “Now why on earth is that a good idea?” and also used to refer to the question itself). However, there are several rather disparaging terms listed there, but a healthy number of funny terms — such as overzealous breastfeeding moms who feel within their liberty to do so despite local laws: the uber-boober.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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