Discussion Forum (Archived)
Felix the Black Cat said:
Regarding the discussion of the word “aunt,†I’ve ALWAYS heard it with the ‘u’ actually pronounced, at least in actual face-to-face conversation in MN & WI, and not as a homophone of the name for the hill-building insect. I’m frankly flabbergasted to hear that the silent-‘u’ pronunciation is considered “standard.†At what point do enough people get something wrong to make it “rightâ€? Is truth up for a majority vote now? Why isn’t the word “ain’t†considered to be standard, then? Why is “aunt†still spelled with a ‘u’?
Goodness, Felix. Your head might explode if you ever visited us here in Texas and I introduced you to my “Ain’t” Myrtle. There couldn’t possibly be only one way to pronounce words without eliminating all regional and cultural differences, and if we were all alike, it would be a very boring world.
I also grew up in south east MN, and we played it duck-duck-gray duck, usually the multicolor version. The child circling would start out just “duck, duck, duck, …” but soon various colors would be added: “red duck, blue duck, purple duck, …” Gray duck is useful in this case as you can tease them with “gr……een duck” as just another color and not the chaser. Although I later learned others call it duck-duck-goose, I never heard it played that way.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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