Discussion Forum (Archived)
so I poked around on the forums and found that the show’s editor, Tim, is responsible for the funky breaks used in the bumpers between segments of the show. his picks are one of my favorite parts of the program, and usually when I don’t know what he’s dropping, I can use shazam or soundhound or some similar music ID-ing program to figure it out.
but there’s an interstitial that I LOVED in the “you bet your bippy” show from last week, but the services can’t identify it. which means that it might be rare. which means that I’ve got to know what it is even more now–it’s the one that starts at 31:38 on the podcast edition of the show, the one with the flute and rhodes piano.
what is this song? Martha and Grant, can you let Tim talk to us?
and I saw someone had suggested putting info on the interstitials in the program notes, or even just somewhere on the site… this would be amazing.
thanks, folks.
Drasil, as part of our reporting requirements we post the credits for our music on PRX (a service that distributes content to stations, just one of several ways we do it).
It’s only going to show for the most recent episodes, though (including Bippy) and they’re not marked for where in the show the songs appear:
Tim, by the way, is in like six bands here in San Diego. Here are just three things he’s been involved with:
Glad you enjoy it, drasil!
Yep, we’re lucky that our technical editor, Tim Felten, also happens to be a professional musician (he plays a smokin’-hot Hammond) and weaves in great tunes for us.
Eventually we hope to put all that info on our own site each week, but for now, you can always stop by our page on PRX.org (Public Radio Exchange) and scroll all the way down to the bottom, as here:
Rock on!
and saving the world as usual are Martha and Grant–thanks for the hot resource. PRX takes me back to my much-missed days as a DJ at my college radio station… actually, more like my not-so-much-missed days as its PD, but that’s something else entirely.
the song turns out to be “funky flutes” by Duncan Lamont, whose name I’ve heard before in the context of what some of us call “library music,” or cheap-as-free music produced for general use as background tunes for PSAs, low-budget commercials, etc. this stuff was very popular in the 60s and 70s (before better synthesizers gave everyone their own little in-house orchestra) and some of it is really good, case in point…
…not to mention very rare, like this track, which showed up on a library music compilation called Serenity, released in 1980 on the Bruton Music label from the UK. Lamont has a couple cuts on the record, as do a handful of other similar composers. the catalog number is BRD13, if you’re still with me, but even if not, someone graciously uploaded the track to YouTube in its entirety:
good stuff. please send my congratulations to Tim, who I hope will drop a little Jimmy McGriff at his reception.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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