Discussion Forum (Archived)
Now that we've resolved the long-term, relentless hacking attacks on the website (which were severe enough to make it impossible log in to the posting and editing interface), we're looking for someone with a high aptitude for HTML, CSS, user-side scripting, and very light photo-editing to post a bunch of content to this website.
This person will be comfortable working in raw HTML and familiar with the WordPress posting interface. There's a backlog of work to do, and then regular weekly work. Requires a keen editorial eye, too, as the person will be asked to name certain posts in a web-search-aware way, and to do things like italicize certain words or phrases meeting certain criteria, and to keep an eye out for text errors (though this is not really a copyediting gig).
I'll send you more info if you mail me at grant@waywordradio.org. We're super-easy to work for. Hiring commences ASAP. Feel free to share this with others.
Best wishes,
Grant Barrett
co-host and co-producer of A Way with Words
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
1 Guest(s)