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You know that feeling you get when you say something you’ve known forever — slang, a catchphrase, a cultural reference — and the other person stares blankly? They have no idea what you’re referring to. Sometimes you feel old, sometimes you just feel out of touch.
That’s just one of the things we talked about on this week’s episode:
Best wishes and may you read more than you write!
Martha and Grant
Co-hosts of “A Way with Words”
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Support for “A Way with Words” comes from the Fifth Edition of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 10 Years in the Making with 10,000 New Words and Senses. Learn more at http://ahdictionary.com/
Support for “A Way with Words” also comes from National University, which invites you to change your future today. More at http://www.nu.edu/
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
1 Guest(s)