Discussion Forum (Archived)
Donald Trump was on the morning news, saying he's self-funding his campaign, not getting any credit for it, and it's "not worth it."
According to the last report filed with the Federal Election Commission, of a $19 million campaign, $218,567 was contributed by the candidate.
It seems likely that Joe Six-pack thinks "self-funded" means that the campaign is 100% paid for out of Mr. Trump's pocket, and that's 98.8% not true. But is this a flat-out lie, or is this weasel-wording? Is there a meaning of "self-funded" that I'm unaware of?
I have also always thought "self-funded" meant entirely. But apparently politicians have hedged on that definition. See this piece in the DAILY KOS. Some use it to mean "at least 50% of the funding" and others say "a significant portion" must be contributed by the candidate. Of course, now we're down to the definition of "significant," but I doubt 1.2% makes the grade.
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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