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eve-teasing  n.— «Eve teasing or “Eve watching” is watching or trying to meet women, and both are illegal in Pakistan.» —“Girl-watching violates Islamic dictates in Pakistan” in Islamabad, Pakistan Houston...


eve-teasing  n.— «One aspect of the problem of student indiscipline which is plaguing university authorities in India has been the bullying and harassment of girl students in the few coeducational institutions—a pastime so common that it...


eve-teasing  n.— «Buses in Delhi are notoriously the worst place for “Eve-teasing”—the Indian term which covers everything from sexual harassment, pestering, groping, whispered obscenities as well as light-hearted cat calls and...


eve-teasing  n.— «To snatch a girl’s dupatta is one of the forms of “eve-teasing” which occurs on many a school bus.» —“Women and Their Affines: The Veil as a Symbol of Separation” by Ursula M...


eve-teasing n. harassment of, or sexually aggressive behavior toward, women or girls. Etymological Note: The term most likely references the biblical Eve, the supposed first woman. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


eve-teasing  n.— «Goondaism refers to anti-social behavior of persons who generally indulge in violent and other “illegitimate means” to get things done.…While their student friends go to the classes, they sit in coffee...

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